Author: phoneboy

  • Another Notch in the Belt

    While I did get a new belt a while ago, I did keep one of my belts from when I had a 54 inch waist. Possibly a little more since, at one point, I struggled to get the belt on. Today, I decided to wear it, but had to punch another hole in it, as…

  • Blood Glucose Meters: Like Razor and Blades, But For Diabetes

    The razor and blades model is well known and simple: give away the razors, make money off the blades. Or more specifically: sell one good at an artificially low price (or even give it away) that is reliant on another complimentary, consumable good. It’s this consumable good where the real money is made. The embodiment…

  • Morning Has Broken My Blood Sugar No More?

    In the past, I commented on how my blood sugar was sometimes significantly higher when I woke up than it was when I went to bed. Going back to my blood glucose readings from 2014 and 2015 (thank you, HealthKit), I can see I had some days where I would go to bed with a…

  • Hitting a Plateau, But It’s All Good

    While I’ve been progressing nicely with my weight loss, the last six weeks has seen me in Barcelona, Las Vegas, and Bangkok, all for Check Point’s CPX 360 events. Two of the trips involved significant travel. The result? You might call it a plateau: On one hand, I should consider myself fortunate that any weight…

  • I Hardly Recognize You! You Look Fantastic!

    I’ve been hearing variations of this over the last few weeks as I’ve been doing Check Point’s CPX360 events in Barcelona and Las Vegas. For many who had met me previously, it’s the first time they’ve seen me since I’ve started eating once a day, intermittent fasting, or whatever you want to call it. And…

  • The Annual Physical

    Yesterday, I went to visit my doctor for my annual physical. The doctor made a few observations: I’m at my lowest weight according to their records, which go back to 2009. He actually asked if I had weight loss surgery when I told him on my last visit what I was doing. Apparently my chosen…

  • Victories Not Quite To Scale

    From my last update about 6 weeks ago, I have made more progress at lowering my weight and improving my Type 2 Diabetes: Weight: 245 pounds/111 kilos, about 80 pounds/36 kilos under my high water mark Blood glucose (30-day average): 106 mg/dL or about 6.0 mmol/L A1C (from blood test in late December): 5.9% I…

  • Non-Scale Victories, the Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt Edition

    Continuing the non-scale victory discussion, I’ve heard one suggestion for tracking your progress that does not involve a scale: try on an article of clothing on periodically to see how well it fits. Specifically, an article of clothing that is too small. Given that my team is ordering t-shirts for our upcoming Check Point Experience…

  • Non-Scale Victories

    While I’ve had plenty of victories on the scale, such as managing to lose four pounds on my most recent trip to the New York and Philly area, as the above picture will attest to, I’ve had my share of victories that don’t show up on the scale, but are the result of attempting to…

  • Intermittent Fasting, 6 Months Later

    It’s been roughly 6 months since I began Intermittent Fasting, which I began after reading The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. Within the last month or so, a research journal called Obesity published an article entitled Flipping the Metabolic Switch: Understanding and Applying the Health Benefits of Fasting that discusses the health benefits of…