I just got back from CPX 360 in Las Vegas, the series of annual conferences Check Point puts on for their customers, partners, and employees. It’s a kind of annual reunion of sorts as this is the only time I see a lot of people I work with. As such, it’s as good a time as any to check in on how my health journey is going.
As a reminder, this is what I looked like this time last year:

This week, I looked like this standing next to Check Point’s CEO Gil Shwed:

People have been telling me that I’m still shrinking. It can be seen in the face, some have said. Maybe, but I don’t really see it on the scale:

My waist has gotten a tad smaller, but not enough that I need new pants yet.
Of course, even with the seeming lack of progress, you have to consider I’ve traveled roughly 185,000 miles between these two photos. Which means, really, I’ve kept the weight off for a year. Definitely a victory.
And, my wife recently bought a treadmill that I’ve started to use when I’m home. A little more exercise certainly can’t hurt.

The one concern I still have is my blood pressure, which seems to be a little on the high side. Not as bad as it was a few years ago, but I really want to avoid more medication. I had quit the previous blood pressure medication because it stopped working and it caused insomnia. I was hoping that with continued progress, it would start to come down, but it doesn’t seem like the case.
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