Category: Uncategorized
A Letter From Dad
I found this letter in my stuff. It’s an interesting read as it confirms a few things I only recently realized about my mother and helped me to remember some things from the dark times. It also gives me some insight on how things with my own children will likely play out.
The Dark Times
I found this photo when going through my photographs the other day… It’s a photo of my half-sister and I from probably 1979 or 1980. It was at my mom’s house. And it was taken before a time when my life went…a little sideways. I remember my Grandma Hattie mentioning to me that I became…a…
That Old Alarm Clock
I admit, this seems strange, writing about an alarm clock. But you have to understand. This is a piece of history. Not only history in terms of technology, as it was one of the first LED clocks ever produced–by Fairchild Semiconductor, no less–but it is a part of my history. I first remember seeing the…
While I had made the decision to divorce my ex before this—and even discussed it with her a few months prior—the point of no return was crossed on 6th January 2022. I didn’t exactly plan it to be on the one year anniversary of another, more famous so-called insurrection, but that’s exactly how it happened.…
The Notebook
Presented with only the following context: married in 1997, divorced in 2023.
Listen to the Music
Before I moved out of the Pacific Northwest, I was lucky enough to get one of the few possessions I actually wanted from the marital home: my music collection. It was among the stuff that was left on the porch for me to retrieve at the marital home back in April: My music collection consisted…
While writing a different blog post earlier in 2022, I had written a bit about the office my ex-wife has in the house that, up until recently, was directly paying the mortgage on, versus the one I had in that very same house. It didn’t fit in that post, but I liked the idea enough…
Independence Day
On July 4th 1997, I married someone. On July 4th 1999, I did it again. I even took her last name by hyphenating. And, yet, so many times during that marriage I thought about the irony of the fact I got married on Independence Day. After tens of thousands of dollars spent in legal fees…
Eliminating All The Crap
Who knew an innocuous social media post I made a couple months ago would wind up in a court document in my divorce: A particular Carly Simon tune comes to mind.
Let There Be Music
Back in January, when I made the decision to separate from my wife after nearly 25 years, I had to make some quick decisions about what I would take with me since there was no guarantee I would ever be allowed back in the house again and I have only so much room in my…