Three and a Half Weeks!

Today is my last day of work for three and a half weeks. Three and a half weeks. Seems like an eternity. But it’s either that or lose my vacation time.Despite having worked for Check Point for the last 7 months, I still have my vacation allocation from Nokia and still fall under Nokia’s policy this year. Nokia grants your entire allocation at the start of the calendar year and you either use it all (except the 80 hours you are allowed to carry over) or lose it. Nokia has a rather generous vacation allocation, especially after working there 10 years.With a new job, a new company, and my general workaholic self, I entered the last quarter of the year needing to take 18 days of vacation. October had a lot of travel, thus not a lot of opportunity to take time off. I can’t take the last two weeks of December off due to the nature of my job. I’ve taken a few Fridays off, but with the company days off around the holidays, that still leaves a large chunk of time to be taken off in a relatively short span of time.So what am I going to do with my time off? There’s a few projects around the house that I should finally have time to tackle. I’m sure that, on a non-rainy day, I will do some outdoor work (e.g. gutters, Christmas lights). Maybe I’ll clean out my office. Lots of possibilities.Next year, I will be under Check Point’s vacation policy, which works much better for me. I won’t end up needing to take a bunch of time off at the end of next year like I’ve had to do over the last several years at Nokia.Let the vacation begin.






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