The Skinny Drawer

Back when I started doing Atkins more than 10 years ago, I dropped quite a bit–to the tune of 100 pounds! Naturally, when you drop weight, your clothes need to change to accommodate, so I had clothing at sizes a bit smaller than my current size.

Unfortunately, when I stopped doing Atkins, the weight eventually came back and my clothes no longer fit. Some of the clothes I got rid of due to wear and tear, others I kept, some in my closet, others in a drawer in my dresser.

I’ve dropped some weight as a result of actively managing my diabetes (eating habits and lifestyle changes). Nowhere near the 100 pounds I dropped on Atkins, but its a start. People have noticed and it feels good. I feel good.

That said, my pants are starting to be too big. And since I’m mostly going to be traveling for the next couple of weeks, I decided to peek in my “skinny drawer” to see if I had anything that might work a little better.

The smallest thing I have in there is a size 44 slacks. That’s inches for the non-Americans, and even that is not really “skinny.” Compared to where I’m at now, even a size 44 is a huge difference. I also have a couple of pairs of pants at size 48 in there, which I’m not quite small enough to wear just yet but I see me wearing those pants in the not too distant future.

My goal years ago was to get to a size 38, which is about the largest most “normal” stores go. I still think that’s an achievable goal but it’s going to take a while at this rate.

In short the skinny drawer was a bust. That said it was nice to get a concrete reminder of where I was, and where I know I can be if I keep working at it.






One response to “The Skinny Drawer”

  1. […] couple years ago, I had done a post about my skinny drawer, i.e. a drawer full of clothes that I don’t wear because I had outgrown them or was never […]

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