Today marks the first day of the year where my office hit 80 degrees. Heck, outside it was nearly 80 degrees in some places around here. When that happens, the portable AC comes out, and it looks something like this:
The tube to the window is where the hot air vents to the outside, and trust me, in this office, there’s a lot of hot air. Aside from the stuff that emanates from my mouth, there are some computers generating heat. Also, the office is in the roof of the house, so it tends to get afternoon sun, literally baking the office. If I start the AC unit early enough in the daytime during the summer, it does a fairly good job of keeping the room a comfortable temperature, or at least the part of it that I am working in.The rest of the house has AC as well, but it’s not warm enough to run it in the rest of the house yet. Even when it is, it doesn’t do much to cool my office as the rest of the house is cool when my office is sweltering. There is a 10-15 degree temperature differential between my office and the rest of the house during the summer without this AC.This AC ends up running between about now and October with more or less continual use in July and August. Once things cool down here in the next day or two, I’ll probably shut it down, but I’ll leave it hooked up. The first hot day of the year means that other hot days are a coming. Given the amount of trouble I have to go through to get this thing set up, particularly with respect to the ventilation, I want to minimize the amount of times I have to set it up and tear it down.
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