What were your top 5 TV shows of 2006?
You know, TV seems like such a silly thing. Controlled by a bunch of dinosaurs who generally don’t get it. The networks are starting to wake up a little, but I think it’s too late and TV as we know it is going to change. So with that in mind, I will list the top 5 shows–TV or Internet-based–that I like:
- Heroes — Okay, it’s a TV show, but it’s really good. I can’t wait until it starts up again.
- GeekBrief.Tv — My wife walked by one night while I was watching it and said “how can you watch this?” Cali Lewis is HOT. And she’s talking about gadgets. ’nuff said.
- Battlestar Galatica — I resisted this one for a while, but decided to climb on board when I saw a freebie on iTunes that summarized the first two seasons worth. Okay, now I’m hooked.
- Ask a Ninja — This is just hilarious. “I look forward to killing you soon.”
- Cranky Geeks — I have always been a sucker for John C. Dvorak. The panelists he has on are even crankier than he is.
I watch other things, but these are the ones I try not to miss.
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