The rumor being reported by Engadget is that AT&T will finally get the Nokia N95-3 sometime in the second quarter of 2008. While there hasn’t been any major advancements in mobile phone technology since the Nokia N95-1 originally came out over a year ago, and the N95-3 is miles ahead of anything currently available through a carrier store, I can’t help but wonder when the gap will decrease between device releases in Europe and in the U.S. will decrease. It’s gotten better, but I think it still has a ways to go.
What will be interesting in all this is what “carrier customizations” will be present on the AT&T version of the N95. What differences in functionality will exist between an unbranded N95-3 and an AT&T-branded N95-3. I don’t know, but I do know that if the restrictions are too onerous, you can bet people will unbrand it as quick as they can.
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