The most notable results in the poll came in the question that asked “If the election for the United States Congress were today and the candidates were Republican Doug Cloud and Democrat Norm Dicks, for whom would you vote?” The answer options were “definitely for Cloud, leaning for Cloud, definitely for Dicks, leaning for Dicks, and not sure”. Doug Cloud received a combined 609 votes for “definitely for” and “leaning for” while Dicks only received 558 for the 2 answers. 95 were still unsure.
Having watched Norm Dicks speak at today’s Decision Makers II event, I can see why he’s won 17 terms as the congress critter for the 6th Congressional District in Washington State. He talks a good story.
Regardless of how you might feel about Congressman Dicks voting record, 34 years is long enough to be in office. You’ve served us long enough, Congressman Dicks. Give someone else a chance.
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