As a young kid in the 1970s, I remember the very first “adult” album I put on the record player: Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. I liked Money, so I often put on Side 2, where this track was first. Incidentally, that album along with Wish You Were Here was also on the first cassette I had. Pretty sure I wore that cassette out. It doesn’t hurt that the album also came out in my birth year and that I saw Pink Floyd perform Dark Side of the Moon as part of the Pulse tour in 1994.
Needless to say, Dark Side of the Moon holds a LOT of significance in my life. It therefore seems only fitting that the first record I play on the first record player I got as an adult was Dark Side of the Moon:
Granted, I’m old enough for that child who first put Dark Side of the Moon on the record player to be my grandchild. That said, like that child I once was, I have my whole life ahead of me, and the future looks pretty bright.
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