Logging truck accident knocks out power to Gig Harbor

A logging truck accident in Mason County set off a chain reaction that left all of Gig Harbor and surrounding areas in the dark Thursday evening.

The crash along U.S. 101 knocked down a power pole and some very powerful transmission lines. In turn, that caused an outage in the transmission systems at Tacoma Power’s Cushman Generation Project, which serves all of Peninsula Light’s customers.

The power started being restored around 7 p.m. with most back online by 8 pm.

via gigharbor.komonews.com

It started with the power going out briefly in Starbucks during my usual afternoon outing. Then I came home to discover we were entirely without power. To make life even more fun, our generator didn’t work due to a failure in the carburetor. It made for an interesting evening until the power came back online at about 7pm.

I do wonder what all the helicopters and sirens were about, though. Nothing in any of the local news sources about that.






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