From Make Your Work Public or You Don’t Exist:
That’s the world we’re living in: open, competitive. A world where people don’t read your cover letter — they search your name on Google and Linkedin.
What have you achieved? What comes up if I Google your name?
If nothing comes up, I’ll assume it’s because you haven’t done anything. That’s because my brain is dumb and takes shortcuts. If you don’t market yourself on the internet, you’ll suffer from the comparison with those who do.
Many years ago, I used to joke my website was purely for shameless self-promotion. These days, it’s very true, though I actually have a few different sites out there, depending on whether it’s something related to infosec, a personal thought, or my podcast, when I decide to resume publishing. And, of course, my inane drivel on the social medias.
Unlike in the days where I did technical support of Check Point FireWall-1 (back when it was called that), a lot of the “work product” I generate these days is not something I can show. This is because the stuff I write is largely for specific customers and contains customer specific information. That said, I do share many of the generic insights publicly.
I can assure you that, if you get in front of people you’ve never met before, they’re going to Google you. After nearly every meeting involving people I have never met before, I get connection requests on social media from people at those meetings.
The more you put out there, the easier it is to influence the way other people see you. Of course, that can be a double-edged sword, so be careful what you put out there.
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