When I posted I was going in for a CT Angiogram, a few people made the snarky comment that I didn’t have a heart. Turns out, I do, and while the amount of calcium I have in my heart isn’t a concern, the diameter of my aorta is.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to talk to my doctor about this yet, or the vascular surgeon my doctor has referred me to, so I’ve consulted Doctor Google, which turns up works like aneurysm, when left untreated. I suspect it’s part of the overall damage that has occurred due to past lifestyle choices, not my current ones, which allowed be to drop my A1C down to non-diabetic levels and more than 100 pounds.
That said, even with the positive changes, my blood pressure is still a bit elevated. I’m not taking meds for this currently and I fully expect this will come up in the conversation with my doctor again. I’d rather understand the underlying cause of this rather than medicate the symptoms, so I definitely need to do a bit more research on this.
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