Half way through this cleansing process. At the moment, I find myself thinking about what I want to eat when I come off this cleanse. The first day, I will be drinking OJ. The second day, start the day with OJ then move onto vegetable soup broth–not canned stuff, but freshly made stuff. The third day, more OJ and eventually soup with the veggies. Then I should be able to eat normally.
But I do wonder about eating meat again. Not because I don’t like it–are you kidding, I did Atkins, for crying out loud–but I wonder how I will ease back into eating it again. I know eating a bunch of it at once is a recipe for disaster. An old co-worker of mine actually burned a hole in his stomach by eating too much meat after not having had it for quite a long time. I don’t think I’m anywhere near that length of time, but I am mindful of that incident. Smaller portions for a while for sure.
Tonight I drank senna tea. It should keep things moving along. Haven’t needed any additional help. Afraid to try the salt water bath for the insides.
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