Doing a “Master Cleanse”

The spouse of one of my co-workers started doing this thing called The Master Cleanse. You can read a bit more about it here (warning: PDF link) and by Googling, of course. Basically, you drink a lemonade concoction for 10 days (or longer) and ease back into real food.

Yesterday, I was having a miserable day with my allergies. I took meds, which cleared up the sneezing but didn’t really do much for my runny nose. I kind of pigged out on some stuff I probably shouldn’t eat yesterday. I just generally felt wrong. Figured it was time to give my system a good rotor-rooter treatment.

I did not have any provisions for this diet, but couldn’t really go anywhere until almost lunch time. So I drank water and ate nothing. When I could leave the premises, I bought some senna tea, some Grade B Maple Syrup, a bunch of lemons, and dug out the thermos jug. Had a cup of the tea when I got back home while I was mixing the lemonade. Think I put a little too much cayenne pepper in the mix, and I only put half as much maple syrup as they recommend, but it’s pretty tasty stuff.

I will be documenting the process here for your amusement and horror. I will try and leave out the more grotesque descriptions of the various bodily excretions that are supposed to occur as a result of this. The only thing I feel right now is a mile headache. Not hungry per-se.






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