Category: Uncategorized

  • For Those Asking What I’m Doing To Lose Weight

    It’s pretty simple: One meal a day (personally I strive for a low carb, high fat meal, but this isn’t strictly required) During fasting periods, I drink water, black coffee/espresso, tea, and/or broth I mostly avoid artificial sweeteners For long flights, I fast the entire time in transit and eat dinner at the normal time…

  • Pulling from the Skinny Drawer!

    A couple years ago, I had done a post about my skinny drawer, i.e. a drawer full of clothes that I don’t wear because I had outgrown them or was never properly sized to wear to begin with. With my current weight being better than it has been in 10 years, and with my currently…

  • Intermittent Fasting Is Insane…ly Great (For Me, At Least)

    This article entitled Intermittent Fasting Is Insane is an excellent example of modern journalism. It’s sad that semi-respectable mastheads like the LA Times run articles that are little more than a copyedited version of a Facebook screed. However, given many of the other articles I’ve read recently, particularly on matters of current events, it’s sadly…

  • Best Weight in 10 Years

    I’ve struggled with my weight pretty much my whole life. As I got older, this lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes (of the second type), and the other things that result from these conditions being present and prolonged. I have been going to the doctor pretty regularly the last few years to try and…

  • Workflows for 10Centuries and

    As is shutting down, a number of people are moving onto other social networks. Two members created their own, one being 10 Centuries, which also includes a blogging/podcasting platform, the other being, which has a very similar API to ADN. Both are currently invite only, and I’m happy to share with you if…

  • First 10C Blog Post Written From and Posted via Workflow

    Ok, it’s not really my first blog post written this way. I had to test it, after all. But it’s the first semi-real one. It’s been a while since I’ve played with Workflow, though I use it all the time. It wouldn’t be as easy to post my podcasts without it, as I use some…

  • Has The Internet Become The Tower of Babel?

    ​In my last blog post, I wrote the following: ​It saddens me that in an age where we have more ways to connect with more people than ever before, people are choosing to isolate themselves. When I was fleshing out that post, I had hit on an idea that I ultimately removed from that post,…

  • On Political Parties, Politicians, and Other Controversial Issues

    It saddens me that in an age where we have more ways to connect with more people than ever before, people are choosing to isolate themselves. Given all the vitriol and hatred expressed at those who appear to have a different point of view, I’m not surprised. Many issues these days, particularly in the mainstream…

  • A Tale of Two Glucometers

    In addition to struggling with my weight, I have also been struggling with Type 2 diabetes the last couple years. I realize it’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen Type 1’s have to go through in terms of calculating how much insulin to take and when, but it’s frustrating when I find out I’m not…

  • On Medium and Compensating Authors For The Value They Provide

    Medium has always been a curious service for me. It provides a nice place to publish your stuff–for free–as well as find an interact with content others write. Each comment in itself becomes its own post, which can be quoted and responded to. For example, the basis for this post originated as a comment It’s…