Thinking About A Fresh Start Online

One of the guys I’ve followed for years on the Internet has taken what some might call a drastic approach: he’s purged his Twitter account of tweets. Given the ephemeral nature of Twitter, this actually seems somewhat appropriate to do. Also, things that you said years ago in the heat of the moment, things you may not say or think today, could easily come back to haunt you.

I’m thinking of taking this a step further and doing some culling of all of my various online presences. I’ve been on the Internet more than 20 years and I’ve managed to bring forward a ton of content–content that, quite frankly, may not entirely be relevant anymore.

I’ve also got far too many presences on the Internet. Some of them it makes sense to continue to maintain, others not. I almost want to blow it all up and start over. Or maybe seriously cull what’s out there, starting with my Twitter accounts. I have a dozen of them. I actually deleted four of them today and completely emptied the tweets out of another.

Has anyone actually gone through this exercise of cleaning up their online presence or nuking it entirely? While I’m sure I can figure out the mechanics of actually doing it, anyone have any tips or tricks they want to share?






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